Thursday, December 24, 2015

Book Ideas - 2015

Current Ponderings:

1) "Operators Manual: Of Life"

This book is structured like an owners manual for a car or vehicle. The drawings are of vehicles as well.  However, the descriptions of each part, system, etc. pertain to the human's spiritual existence.  Each element is designed to teach doctrine and eternal principles that can be applied on a daily basis.  A parable of life.  Many notes and outlines have been written for this book.  If I am able to publish one book, this would be the one.

1) "The Word and The Life"

A seven book series written in a more "Chronicles of Narnia" style, using symbolism to describe doctrinal beliefs.  Each book would cover a portion of the seven dispensations described in the Bible and other sacred works. The first book would revolve around the story of Cain, while the last book would describe the restoration of all things and the end of the world.  Many notes and ideas have been written on this series.  All seven books will need to be heavily outlined and written before the first book if the first book is to be released.

2) "Modern Conspiracy: Ancient Methods"

This book would be written in a Facebook feed style, following various people, groups, public figures, etc.  The story would surround a future soldier of an old America and the upcoming new world order.  The messages would be written to his brother, a more conservative, individual who believes in the ways used to be.  The soldier would believe everything the government says and is a big proponent to the direction of things.  Topics to be discussed could be: Gun control, plastic temporary guns, all in once vaccine for each year, loose definition of marriage, not for children, roommate theory, easy divorce, artificial womb, etc.  

3) Book of Theories

A book of a bunch of BS theories with a disclaimer in the beginning of them being false.  Written as if the author believes all these things.  The author has visions, dreams, etc.

4) "Time Trapped"

A man prepares for bed and kisses his wife on the cheek as she lays asleep in bed.  As he backs away, he discovers he is in a different place at a different time, and that is not his wife.  The story follows the character as he travels from place to place, with no intention of his own.  Some of the characters he encounters might follow him as well.  Through the travel, he learns things about his life, about himself, and how to be better.  His greatest hope is to return to his wife and family.

Past Contemplations:

1) "The Ultimate Video Game."

The main character, Jake, was a creator of an incredible video game system. More advanced than any others. It has a huge hard drive and a ton of ram. It is almost like a different world that is all digital. Right before the game system is about to come out a man comes to meet Jake. Bartholomew Caswell, aka Chad, drops by to talk to Jake. Chad has been funding Jake's video game company. Chad told him of a theory that he had. "What would you say if we lived in a video game?" His theory was that we live in a computer. And the people in the real world are extremely advanced. They were so advanced that they needed an ultimate reality show. So, they created a computer with a different world in it. It was so advanced that is was able to support human life. They placed two people in the system, an Adam and Eve type of couple. Thousands of years later Chad comes out with this theory, which turns out to be the truth. They have to decide whether they should stay living in the computer, or find a way out. The story would have ended with Chad , and Jake constantly running. An ending exactly like "Fahrenheit 451" which is the reason why I stopped writing the book.

2) "Brothers of the Stars"

The son of a farmer witnesses a UFO crash near his childhood home.  Later in life, while he is teaching at a local college, a UFO crash happens in his town.  He is involved in talking with the pilot of the UFO with the police, because of his profession in Anthrapology.  This changes the course of his life.  He makes a connection with this man, seeks to protect him and change the political view on earthly and celestial aliens.  To learn more, please see the other post.  One of my ideas was for this book to become a three book series.

3) "Father and Father"

A boy is raised by two fathers.  He is physiologically and emotionally damaged from his childhood.  As he grows up, he befriends a female teacher in elementary school and high school that helps him through his life.  She fills a motherly role for him.  As he continues to grow up he meets a good girl that teaches him the value and importance of traditional marital relationships.  They date and marry.

4) "Life Above the Strip"

A girl grows up in a very worldly home where her family drinks, swears, and is involved in a lot of immorality, etc.  She is different, and very innocent.  The family thinks she is a bit odd.  To help her get her senses, they send her to Las Vegas, Nevada to college, where she can live a college life in the fast lane and get a grasp of life in this world.  While there, she refuses to partake of the Las Vegas life.  She meets a return missionary.  They date.  At some point they get in a fight, probably after he meets her family.  She tries to take on her families lifestyle.  They return together again and marry.

5) "He is a Civilian" or "I am a Civilian"

A man works for the army, undercover in a middle eastern community.  He is stationed there to blend in and keep an ear out for any terrorism acts, and anything that would lead him to the Taliban leader.  While there, he meets a lady who is poor, living on the street, and abused.  He saves her, perhaps from an attack, and protects her.  As life goes on, he loves and marries her.  Eventually he is captured, believed to be undercover, as he is.  They hold him for ransom and contact the US government.  During the call, they have him at gunpoint,and say they will kill him unless the US sends money, or aid.  The man claims he is a civilian, and to leave his family alone.  The tension rises and the government officials state, he is a civilian.  My original intent was for him to be killed, but the idea was very bare to begin with.

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