Monday, December 24, 2007

Story #5 : The Great War of Oswasso

The Great War of Oswasso
by The Power Pointer Brothers
Along time ago, in a Universe far far away. The galaxy, Oswasso, was in turmoil. Oswassos governement had betrayed its people and a civil war broke out. The only chance for peace was a military star fighter captian, named Joshua Todd. His faithful alien companion/co-pilot, Bryon the Oklahomian. They have currently been sent to the desert planet of Mueller to find a spy that has plans curtial to the victory of the military. The spy's name was William, the only human on the whole planet. He was rumored to be hiding on the outskurts of the town of Washtin. They exit their ship, to try to find William.
"I think we need to talk to some of the natives, Bryon." exlcaimed Josh.
"BURP-SLRUP-CHURP" replied Bryon in his native tounge, which means "OK! Boss!"
"I havent been on this planet before. So here is what we know. There is only one human on this planet. He lives in the outskurts of some town, Washtin. I am aware that he is the founder of this city. I dont know that much else. What about you Bryon?"
"Computing . . . Computing . . .," Said Bryon, for he was one of many robots the military owned. "The city is over that hill. Many strange creatures live there. We must take caution."
Josh looked towards the hill. He took a deap breath. "Ok, you know how much I hate alien like creatures. I just hope they are not dirtmen." Josh had a lot of experience with dirtmen. They were dwellers of dark caves and caverns. He considered them very evil.
The two of them headed towards the hill. When they got to the top, they looked down at the city. "Wow," Said Josh. The city was derived of several 'sky scrapers' of 15 feet tall. The city looked like a scaled down version of New York City, of planet Earth.
"What is this?" Josh asked Bryon.
"Computing . . . these creatures do not show up on any charts. They are specialized of this planet." Bryon said.
Josh looked around and rubbed his forehead with his foot. He had no idea what to think.
"Hey there!" someone said.
They turned around to see a man, of the race of Human. "My name is William." He said.
"What are these things?" Josh asked.
"Oh," Said William, "they are Amonorgs. I found them here when I first explored this planet. I felt so bad for them. I built this city for them. Surprisingly, they have found a way to suport me. Do you want a pizza?"
Josh looked at the Amonorgs, he wanted to tell the guys back home about them. But he couldnt describe them. They were like little mice, wo which humans look the size of the size grand tetons. They had five vocal cords, and there lanuage was unaudilbe to their main preadtors, the Razacs. Even though the Amonorgs were not edible for Razacs, the Razacs would use their hides for clothing. Five Amonorgs brought a 10 inch pizza, this was suprising sight to Josh, since he had never seen or herd of the Amonorgs, or known that they could carry many times their own weight.
"What type of pizza is that?" asked Bryon, while Josh's mouth hang open out of amazment.
"It is a pepperion," squeaked one of the Amonorgs.
"That is my favorite type!" exclaimed Josh, as he lunged towards the pizza.
"How did they learn english?" asked Bryon, while he scanned each of the Amonorgs in sight, for the purpose of research for the rest of the scientific community.
"Well, when my transportation crashed on this planet, I cried for a week. They already knew the language; I olny knew Dvorak before. But, I have taught them Dvorak, just in case there is an emergency."
He turned to one of the Amonorgs and said, "Jdt Cfpgdw hs tsf ,alk ks us sfk kslgujk?"
A little Amonorg looked up and said back, almost unaudibly, ":fodw G ps.d tsf ;s mfij."
"Wow," Said Bryon in an automatic response mode.
Josh said, "The cheese on that pizza was amazing. When I ate it I could hear a singing headless choir. They sang, 'Say hello my little friend'. That reminds me of a good friend of mine back home, Gulliver. I love you, my little friend. He was my leader."
Bryon computed for a minute. He could not learn the language, it was too complex. He said, "What did you two say back there in the language of Dvorak?"
William translated it to be, "'Hey julie, do you want to go out tonight?' and she said 'Well, last night was pretty fun. You want to make children.' She loves to eat turnips."
"You go out on dates with them?" replied Josh disgusted, and then whispered to Bryon, "That is something Fred would do."
"You mean Fred the squerril?" queried Bryon in a whispered tone.
"Not Fred from intelegence. Fred the groundhog, you know from the IT department."
"Oh, yah! That makes more sence, now!" replied Bryon, since he had turned on his personality chip.
"So, do you have the plan my friend?" asked Josh.
"Yes, here you go!" relpied William as he handed Josh a cell phone, "The code is 1987, followed by 1988."
"Good, we can leave now. Lets go Bryon."
"Sorry sir, but the ship has apparently broken, due to rough land on this planet. The engine is having porblems with the feedback generator, and I can not fix it myself. If we try to turn on the engines, the ship might just explode!" explained Bryon.
"By the love of meat! How do we get off this planet now that the ship is broken?" yelled Josh.
"Well," Said Julie, "I will go and get the Amonorg R3-C1. He was our first child." She looked up at William lovingly. William blushed and smiled.
Bryon could not compute this. The Amonorg was finding affection towards a human. Not only that, but they have had children. Bryons circuits broke and he shut down.
"Oh, dang it." Said Josh, "I will have to call the Great Groundhog. I dont know how to fix the 8i929hnni924i99dd035 robot series. Gosh, and I do know how to fix the 8i929hnni924i99dd034 series."
William felt realy bad about this. "Do you want a new companion?" he said.
"Yea, that would be great."
"Hey, Fred, come out here." A really fat Amonorg walked out. He looked like a tennis ball with legs. "This is fred, my first son. He will help you from here on."
"All Hail Fred!" Shouted Josh. He then looked sad and said, "But we shall die on this cursed planet. Darn ship."
Fred stood up higher and said, "Have no fear. I know how to fix your ship. For I am small."
"You better get us off the planet! Other wise I will eat you for my dinner, That pizza only made me hungrier!" demanded Josh.
"Be patiant, I will fix it, but I hope that your wires are Edible Wires, because that is the only type of wires I know how to fix!" retorted Fred.
"I have no idea what type of wires the ship has. That was Bryon's responsiblity. All I know is that the ship was made in Bountiful, UT, where ever that is!!" screamed Josh. As Josh continued to rant and rave, Fred went to work fixing the ship. After twelve hours, Fred was finished, he yelled, "Shut up! I have fixed the ship, lets start her up!"
"OK!" yelled Josh, "You don't have to yell!"
Both Josh and Fred entered the cockpit. Josh was last to sit down, he almost sat on Fred. "Your, chair is over there! That chair is yours!" said Josh as he pointed to a little seat on the control panel.
"WOW!" said Fred in grand amazement, "Why do you have a chair the perfect size for me."
Josh booted up the ship. Everything turned on fine. Fred had even upgraded the system from the old Windows Vista to the new OS X 10.9.3. Josh was much pleased with this. He sent a quick text message to the rest of the military. When they heard the news of the change they were very happy. They had never thought about the change to OS X. They sent him a text back saying, "You have been promoted to whatever position you want."
"Fred," Said Josh. "Do you want to take the ship out on its first upgraded flight?"
Fred was shocked. "Sure," He said. Fred then looked very sad. "Sorry, I am sad. I am leaving my best friend, Kirnack. I called him King Kirnack. We would play games where he would be Kirnack the Bryon Maker. And, I would be left being, Queen of the Kirnacks. We didnt have any girlfriends."
"Dont cry, once you start to fly this ship testosterone will take charge and you will forget all of that." Josh said. "I should tell you about how we got here. On my planet, Oswasso, there is a civil war happeing. I had to come out here to talk to William, your father. He gave me neccesary things to help us win the war. But, the travel was long across the galexy. Are you ready?"
"Yea," Fred said. He pushed a button making the ship levetate. He grabbed hold of the joystick and pulled up. The ship shot up into the atmosphere. As they passed through the atmosphere the stars started to show through. The sky became black. The planet had a rather small moon that orbited around the planet. They were aproaching it.
"Where should I go?" Asked Fred, "I havent been this far away."
"We are headed to the planet, Oswasso. And there it is." Josh pointed at the moon.
"Ok, boss! Where should I land the ship?" asked Fred, as they approached the moon.
"I don't care, just land this darn ship!" barked Josh.
Fred landed the ship right on top of a jumpy fella named, Runaway Jack. Jacke yelled "Home Run!" as he was chrushed by the ships landing gear.
"What was that?" asked Fred.
"I don't care! I'm just glad we finally made it here!" retorted Josh, while unfastening his harness.
"What is the first order of buisness, boss?"
"To get you a cingular cell phone!"
"But I want a sprint phone, sir."
"Sorry, but that is the law everyone must have a cingular phone! And we have to follow the law, or be killed." replied Josh.
They walked into the nearest Cingular store. "What are the models of cell phone for military personel?" Josh asked the saleperson.
"Hi, my name is Jack. Well, we have the Timber and Lumber avalable for free to military personel." explained the salesperson.
"What is the diffrence between Timber and Lumber?"
"Well, the Lumber is the top of the line. It can even make copies of it self. You will never have to buy another phone if you get the Lumber. But the Timber hardly works at all, and not to mention that it requires you to plant it for it to work. Which one would you like?"
"I'll take the Lumber!" replied Fred. Jack took all the required information from Fred, and activated Fred's new Lumber. As they left the store Fred asked "Where to Boss?"
"Wait," Josh said, "We have to make sure your phone is working first."
"It is."
"Do you have the phone number to IT?"
"What is that?"
"It stands for Information Technologies" Josh answered.
"Oh, IT. IT IT IT IT IT IT IT IT IT IT!" Fred shouted.
"Shut up you imbisole," shouted Josh, "So what programs do you have on your lumber?"
"Uh, VirusMaker,"
"Good, you dont have Windows Vista do you?"
"Heck no, I have MAC X"
"You should call it as it is, OS X 10.9.3. What else?
"Access 2007."
"What?! Get rid of that. Dont they know it is the year 3469? Call 1-800-Assasin. They will know what to do."
"Well, shouldn't we get the plans to the the Great PeaBrain, the leader of the military?"
"Yes, but he likes to be called, Military Man! We think he is an adict to sugar, and doughnuts." answered Josh, as he walked towars the tallest building in the city. They entered the building and used the elevator to ravel to the top floor, where PeaBrain worked. For some reason they each recieved a pack of sugar coated doughnuts for free from a vending machine in the elevator, which would not move until the doughnuts where taken from it.
"Why don't you eat your doghnuts, sir" asked Fred.
"Do you know where I am from? I am from the planet of the vegitarians, we don't eat meat or sugar. It is posion to our systems."
"AHHHH!" replied Fred, just as the elevator stopped and the door opened. They walked into a large room, with a long red carpet leading to a desk by the window. When they had walked half-way across the room, a man in a Superman outfit jumped in front of them and said, "My name is The Military Man Man Man Man! Ooooh, I smell SUGAR! OOOOH DOUGHNUTS! Give them too me, or die!"

"Why should I?" Josh said.

"Because," Military man said, "They are plans to build a giant water closet that will flood the rebels planets with waste of the government!"

"Oh," Fred Said. "Give it to him."

Josh gave Military Man the doughnut. Military man brought the doughnut close to his hairy chest. He closed his eyes feeling the power within. "Ahhh." He said. He held it up in the air and said. "We want peace. This is peace. The way of the doughnut shall save our people. Do you understand?"

Fred said, "Uh, I think I need to go to class, a different class."

"This is not a class!"

Josh rose his hand. Military man said, "Yes, you."

"I need to use the bathroom."

"Never mind that," said Military man. "Where is the car?"

Military man's butler, who was standing there the whole time, pointed out the window.

"Ah. Lets Ride!" He yelled.
All of a suden Josh realized that the rest of his family lived on one of the planets that the rebelion had an established base named Paper Box. And if the Government went throug with it's plan, his family would die. Josh loved his family, his mothers name was Allison, his father Mark, his married brother Justin, his sister, who was on another planet teach people, whose name I keep forgeting for some reason. So Josh pulled out his trusty star pistol, Cat in a Box. He aimed at Military Man, pulled the triger, and yelled "Kill the Cat!"
"They're here?" asked Military Man as Cat in a Box made a spooky sound and released a cat shaped lazer beam, which hit Military Man in the back and killed him instantly.
"Wow! A subordanate killing a superior! Like I never heard of that before!" exclaimed Fred in sarcasim.
His body fell out the window. On the sidewalk below, there was a mother with a baby stroler, stopping to talk to her little baby boy. The baby said "Check my diaper, please!" The mother had stopped to check it. When Military Man had fallen half way, the mother started moving again. The body of Military man just barely missed the mother and her stroller.
"What do you take me as, a traitor?" Josh asked the Guards.
The lead Guard replied "We have been working the curage to do that forever. We knew he had gone crazy the second he started calling himself 'Military Man Man Man.' Thanks for killing him, he was going to make a new law forcing everyone to use Windows Vista, and we all love Macs."
"What is your name?" asked Josh
"My name is Cromwell. I hope you don't think that you will be the new ruler of the galaxcy!" Said the guard.
"Of course not," Suddenly there was a loud sound, 'MEEOOOOOOOWWWWWWW!" The cat shaped lazer blew up the guard. Chunks of flesh went everywhere. Josh put a sample of flesh in a bottle. "This is a parlament of mac!"
The Mac God apeared on a computer screen and said, "You are a discrace to all mac users. You have the heart of a Vista Star, King of Microsoft. Leave this people, they mean you no harm." The screes turned off.

Josh turned and ran down an alley of the city. He was hidden for three days. Fred was worried about this. He had gathered many of the guards together. They were going to help Josh and bring him back to the mac fold.

"Ok, men. Are you ready?" Fred said to his men. "We are finding Josh and helping him out. He would do the same for us. We shall not call this a Civil War. It is a war for friendship. The coming together of friends. We are the Puritian." Suddenly there was a great light that shone above Fred. There was a compilation of many, but was one voice.

"Fred," The voice of many said, "You have been found pure. You have a great destiny ahead of you. You must bring back Josh, then you can fulfill your destiny with us, the Wurms."

"But, how can I keep pure in this battle?"

"It is the act itself that keeps thee pure, pure in heart." Fred thought about this. He knew what he must do. "Now go. Save Josh."

Fred gathered his things together. "Lets go men, now!" He turned around. There was a shadow in the alley. "Who is that?" Fred said.

"Only you would know."

"Josh," He said under his voice. "Come back. You know what is true and good. You know what you can become, and it is better than this."

"You need not speak of this. I have what I want. For I am," Josh started to come out of the shadows. Part of a dark cloake apeared. His hand grabbed the corner of a building. Suddenly he jumped out revealing his true nature. "I am the Vistiain!" His face was covered is fruit flies, which covered many sore spots of rotting flesh. There was a hole in the side of his cheak which he breathed through, and sometimes even spoke though. "In your eyes, I am lost!"

"I need you, the galaxcy needs you, turn to me." pleaded Fred.
"I will no longer call you Fred, you shall be George!" yelled Josh so loud that it scared Fred.
"I wet my pants! . . ." replied Fred.
"Go see a vetranarian, for your small blader, George. Take my pants and rub thy face in them!" yelled Josh. He then ripped his pants off and trew them at Fred. They landed right on top of Fred. Fred quickly ate a hole in the pants
"Stop calling me George. The Wurms have called me, Fred. This is what I insist you must call me that. Can you see the light, I can and you are in the dark, my friend."
"I don't agree. I will have to say that you are in the light, and I am in a mild environment. I shall rule the world, with my family by my side."
"No," Said Fred, "This is not what you really want. You know the truth, your afraid of it too."
"Liar!" He threw his shirt at Fred. It landed next to him. Josh was in nothing but his underwear which were yellow and green. The rotting flesh covered him. You could even see his pancreas beating. He held his hand up, pointing his bony finger at Fred. "Crown me or Kill me then!" He yelled. And a spark of light protruded from his finger soaring straight at Fred. It hit him square in the chest. He fell hard to the ground. He could not move or feel a thing.
Fred looked over his limp body at Josh. He was slowly aproaching with his finger out stretched. Fred looked at the guards that were with him. He motioned to them with his head to help. One of them started to walk away slowly, while the others came to help. Josh turned towards them punching at the air. A strong wave of toxic gas hit them over. While they were trying to get back up, they were passing out and dying. Josh knelt down at Fred's feet. "Oh, sorry. What shall I do with you now? I cant put you in front of the king, I have over thrown him already, and he is dead. The serfs are eating him right now." Josh took his long bony finger with a long chalk like nail on it, and slightly touched Fred's leg. It began to swell and rot. "After I kill you, I will work with your family next." He pierced his finger the rest of the way into his leg. The pain was so intense. He could hardly bear it.
Just then a figure from the dark tackled Josh. It was the guard that walked away earlier. He was a member of the Electrical and Computer Engineering group of the city. He was one of the ones in charge of updating the computers. He reached over to a bicycle. It had a computer screen on it. He touched the screen and entered a code. It began to get very Chile. The ground shook and cracked.
"What is this witchcaft?" Josh asked, "Are you from the nation of the twelve?"
"No, I'm from England."
A large crack broke under the two of them, causing them to fall deep in the earth. Soon after, Fred was able to move again. But, it was extreamly hard to walk on his left leg.
"What is happening to me?" asked Fred.
"I have started the end of this planet. You, the only true leader have been infected by me. No matter what happend to this body I am in, I will not die as long as you are a live!" said a voice inside Fred's head, it sounded like Josh. "As you know, the planet has already choosen you as its ruler, and since you are impure, it will start to die. This will be the end of the Great Government of Oswasso! And they shall have you, so I will not die. My body shall die, but I will return!"
All of a suden, the earth started to shake. One of the Gaurds said "Where is Fred?"
Another replied "There he is we must save him to save the planet!" As they picked up Fred, he squealed "Kill Me! Kill Me!"
"We can not, it is forbiden." said one guard, "We can not even let you kill yourself either. Sorry! If you hold on everything will be alright. Where is ECE?"
"I think he fell in the hole." replied the other Gaurd. The hole closed up just then, they all felt bad for ECE could climb out. The earth stopped shaking.
"Here we mourn ECE. He didn't come out of the hole in the earth in time to be saved," said Fred. All of a suden the city started to crumble. The Guards carried Fred to the nearest ship. They got in it to be protected. "The city is falling apart!" exclaimed a guard.
"It is not just the city, It is the entire planet," exclaimed Fred "Get this ship in the air! NOW!"
One of the guard took the pilot seat. The ship rosed into the air, but it zigged and zagged as it flew. They flew to the closets base ship. The ship docked with the base ship. The base ship general meet them in the docking station.
"Why did your ship zigg zagg all the way here?" asked the General.
"Well, I didn't know what i was doing!" exclaimed the guard who piloted the ship.
"What happened to Oswasso?" asked the General.
"It must have been a reble attack of some sort!" exclaimed the Guard.
"No, it was because of Josh. He infected me, and posioned the planet," explained Fred, "He also said that as long as I'm alive he will not die. We must search the Galaxcy and find him."
While Fred and his army search for Josh. Josh's spirit searched for a new body. He found one on the planet Francis. It was a boy named, Justin Brother. He was the only half-human on the entire planet. His father was a Logician, a race that has purged themselves of emotions, his mother was from the planet Vegitarian. The body was the best match Josh could find. Josh slowly lured the boy to give up his body. It took five weeks for the boy to fully give his body to Josh. When Josh took over the body, it changed and grew to an adult body.
The mother went over to talk to her son. She called for him saying, "Oh, Justin?"
His adult body came around the corner and yelled, "I'm not Justin. I am Josh, I married his sister long ago." Said Josh. The boy was still fighting to be in his body.
Justin yelled, "I talk to dogs, I am their messenger." He did this in his younger voice. His mother got really excited in hearing her boy again. Josh did not want her to be in the way, so he killed his mother.
Justin was shocked to hear the cries of his dying mother. He wanted revenge. He would wait for the perfect moments to speak through the new Josh. Josh was going through a big city, Anchorage, to find a new ship to get off this planet. He didnt even know where he was. "Excuse me, sir," He spoke, "I am looking for a space vehicle. Do you have any that get above 14 light years per hour?"
"Oh, yes we do. If you follow me over here I will show you." The man said.
"I hate dogs," Yelled Justin. The salesman looked at Josh with much confusion. He pretended that he didnt hear anything. They aproached the vehicle when Justin yelled again, "I am ruler of the planet. Give me money or this for free."
"Sir, what is wrong with you?" The man shouted.
"Sorry," Josh said. "It is a complicated story."
"How do you like the name, General Josh?" Justin anounced.
"Sir!" Said the man.
"Sorry, but--" Josh started.
"Can I inspect your pubic hair?" Justin yelled again.
The salesman was very mad at this point. He took Josh to the local police to have a ten minute trial.
"Your, Justin Brother, have been accused of freaking out the most presious people in our comunity, the Salesperson. What is your plea?" said a the Judge.
"I am a spirit which have taken over a boys body!" exclaimed Justin.
"That was uncalled for son!" said the Judge.
"Yes, I am out of order!" exclaimed Justin.
"Sorry, about that, I have seemed to have lost control of myself recently." lied Josh.
"Sue me now!" yelled Justin.
"I have to get out of this body!" exclaimed Josh. The Judge looked at Josh/Justin in amazement. Then Josh and Justin were fighting each other verbaly.
"You will be inprsioned for the rest of your life, for freaking out a salesperson, and me! That is your punishment!" yelled the Judge over the racket being made by Josh/Justin. The Gaurds came forward to take Josh/Justin into custidy. Josh expelled Justin's spirit into the one of the guards and killed him. Then he infected the Judge and guard. They became his minions. As he and his new minions exited the court house, Josh exclaimed, "Good bye citizens! Hello Minions!" It took twenty-four hours for josh to take over the entire planet. Just before the last citizen was infected, he injured Josh. Josh had lost his ability to create more minions, but his minions still had that ability. Josh created a plan to take over the galaxcy. He would send his minions to every planets so they could spred the infection. His first target, his first bodies birth place, Vegitarian.
Mean while, half way across the galaxcy Fred, was searching for Josh, and trying to figure out how to uninfect himself of Josh's virus. The virus was not spreading, but it made it impossible to completely distroy Josh. "Have we found any signs of him yet?"
"No sir! We have only looked at half the Galaxcy!" replied a solider siting behind a console.
"What is your name, solider?" asked Fred.
"My name is, Vicroy Gunray." Said the guard. "Do you think it is worth trying to save Josh?"
"Not anymore. There is no way I can save him with this leg this way."
"We need to do a tissue sample, to find out what it really is." Said Vicroy. He took out a small sharp hand shovel to scrape off a portion of flesh. He punched in a code into a computer screen. He attached a small hand held scanner to the computer. While he was scanning the flesh sample a homeless man on the ship walked over.
"Its the toad," said the man. "Kill the toad. Kill him."
"What are you talking about sir," Vicroy said to the man.
"That is the Toad that stuff is. Properly named Vespintime, you can tell by the depression in the skin. This is not a regular infection," The man said. He walked over closer to look at Fred's leg closer. He touched it and touged at it. "Yes, I know this." Fred started to scream as he pulled and poked. "This was given him by his mother. The Gift of Dead Puppy." He looked at the guard, "Go, leave, save yourself." The man and the guard got up and started to leave.
"Wait," yelled Fred, "Save yourselves, What about me?"
The man turned around and said, "Your leg is infected by something that only he who infected you can fix. Go to him you must, if you want to live that is."
"If I want to live you say?" Fred said, "But it doesnt spread."
"Not yet. The poison multiplies itself before it takes the body. When it spreads, there is no hope." He turned and left.
Fred started to stand up from his seat. When he first got on the ship, he tried never to walk. He started to walk a little. It felt like his leg bone was crumbling and falling apart. He grabbed hold to the nearest door frame. There was a lazer rifle leaning against the wall. He picked it up and used it for suport. He was able to move around better. It was hard to balance on the gun with only one good leg. He aproached a room with a door open. They were listening to a radio show. It was talking about the recent pandemic at hand. The infection was spreading from one planet to the next. The infection might be able to be destroyed if the holder, Josh, is found and killed. Fred felt terrible, christmas was coming and the galaxy was falling apart.
"Anoying callers!" a man said, bursting out of a door.
"What is it," Fred asked.
"I thought we made peace throughout the galaxy. And I just got a sales call."
"Yea, I thought peace had been brought too." Fred looked down at his leg. The darkness that was in his leg was leaving. "Oh, its leaving," The man started to walk over, very curious. Fred pulled his shirt up to reveal his chest. It was leaving, but leaving to the rest of his body. There was no hope. He had to find Josh now, or die.
"Well, the scan to find Josh won't finish for several hours. Lets watch Star Wars. I love that movie!" exclaimed Vicroy as he pressed a button on a console.
"That is a good idea. I like the one episode that Padma says 'Hold me, like you did at the lake on Naboo, when there wasn't all this war and hate.' If I die, I want to see that movie one more time," said Fred.
They spent the next three hours watching Star Wars. Mean while, Josh had commanded his minion to bring his family to him, without infecting them.
"What is happening? Where are you taking us?" asked Mark Todd, as Josh's minions escorted all of Josh's family, except for his sister who had been killed by the minion's ship landing on her.
As Josh's mother entered his thrown room she Exclaimed "Josh, where did we go wrong! Something must be done about my boy's disease!" when she saw her youngest son, in his disfigured form.
"No, mother there is nothing wrong with me. I am becoming what I was destined to be, The Ruler of the Galaxcy!" exclaimed Josh "I have brought you here to join me in my conquest of the Galaxcy. Together we shall rule, and there shall be PEACE!"
Josh's brother, Justin said "What can I do to help you, Brother? I have always wanted to have power."
"I have a task for you then, Go and Bring me Fred, alive! And you shall recieve his powers. Take these minions," said Josh as seven of his minions walked forward and knelt before Justin, "They will serve thee, and shall spread the infection to those you come in contact with. Allowing you to create an army of minions! Now GO!"
"Yes, brother I shall." replied Justin. He about faced, and told his minions to follow. They went off towards the landing strip. Josh, turned to his parents, and looked lovingly in their eyes.
"Join, me mom and dad. I will never let anything bad happen to you." lovingly said Josh, even though there was still a little evil glint in his eyes.
"You are not our son!" exclaimed Mark. At this Josh's face turned from loving to threatening.
"Do you feel the same way, Mother?" yelled Josh, in a rage. Allision was terrofided.
"No. You are still my son," quietly, and timidly answered Allision, "Please don't hurt Mark. I couldn't live with out him!"
"I will spare him, but he must watch his tounge infront of me!" exclaimed Josh.
Back on Fred's ship, they were just finishing watching Star Wars, when there was gun shots and burst of flames showing on the monitor that looked at the main engine.
"What is going on!" exclaimed Fred. All of a suden, Justin and his minions bursted through the door.
"Come with us, Fred! Or we shall infect everyone here!" demanded Justin.
"I will go with you, but leave these people alone," said Fred in a come voice.
Two of the minions picked up fred, and carried him back to their ship. Justin and the rest of the minions boarded the ship, and returned to Josh. As they returned, the infection was passing from Fred's leg to his arms. His face was going pale. He was loosing strength to endure. His head fell as he passed out.
"Ah, hello Fred, my little decaying friend." Josh said. "I see that you are almost one of us now. Now, open your eyes."
Fred had no choice but to open his eyes. Josh had power over any body that was infected. Fred looked around at the once white walls, now covered in slim and scum. The fridge was the only clean thing. The guards brought him into the kitchen and layed his limp body on the counter. A dark object made a shadow on Fred's body, this shadow was darker than most. "Fred, Fred, my little friend. how are you doing. How do you feel?"
"I feel . . ." Fred tried to speak, "Uh . . . ow, oh . . . whats happening . . . my eyes . . . my vision." Fred started to see everything turn black and white, then turned a dark blue, and all colors became inverted. "My . . . why do I see . . . Aaaaaaaaa!" He screamed, looking at his leg. A dark blue check started piercing and dying his skin. The end of the check wrapped around his leg and up his back, and into his hair. His hair started growing gray and long, until it fell out. When the hair was gone you could see the rest of the stained line from the back of his head to the middle of his brow. Two holes broke out of his cheaks, making him breath and talk through them.
"My friend, you are almost complete. You can see now who you must become. You will have to join me now." Josh said.
Maggets started to grow in Fred's stomac, where they then came out of his cheaks and his mouth. They began to cover his skin and eat at his clothing until it was gone. He looked at his arms that were eaten away to the bone. "You shouldnt have done this. Why?"
"Because I love you. Becoming like me is the only way for us to be together."
"I meant, why did you leave me, and the rest of us?"
"I left you? You left me. You knew my plan from the start, and left me on my path."
"I was on your path, and you changed it. Why cant you see what you have becom--Aaaaah!" He yelled. His calfs were melting at his feet.
Josh looked around and picked up Fred, "I must complete the transformation. He put Fred in the microwave and set it for 5 minutes of printer heat. For five minutes he watched Fred burn and melt suffering past comprehension. The timer went off and he was complete. Josh opened the microwave and picked Fred up. He was very hot, so Josh dropped him on the floor. He looked around for a heat resistant glove and picked him back up. Fred was unconsious.
The door broke down and then entered Fred's guards and the homeless man. "Put him down, you cook of evil!"
"Ah, Gregory. It is good to see you again. Didnt you beg at the corner of 21st street?"
"I worked my way up in society just like everyone else. Now give us Fred back."
"Sorry," Josh said, "but even if I did, it is too late. The transformation is complete."
"It does not matter what has changed Fred physically. Nothing will change the destiny of an Arignot!"
"What!" Josh yelled. "I was unaware of this."
"He was told this when you made your change. You were his assignment. Bringing you back would complete his lifes journey. And you ruined it!"
Josh was astonished. He dropped Fred once again, and he fell to his knees. "What have I done." Ever since Josh was a boy, he wanted to become an Arignot. He had read the stories of the great Cam, the Arignot. Now, all he wanted to be was the ruler of the universe. Freds life was thin, and Josh knew it.
"Must give him a new form! By my power, and strenght I will take him to the planet where I became what I am. I will help Fred with the fulfillment of his assingment in life." exclaimed Josh in a sorryful tone. He looked at Freds body, and knew that there was only one way to save Fred and the Galaxcy. Josh picked him up and carried him to the transport that Justin had used. He traveled for twelve hours and traveled to the planet X in the mysterious void.
"Fred, can you hear me?" asked Josh. Fred did not answer, but was still breathing.
"Your life will end here soon," Josh said to fred as he walked towards a cave. In the cave there was a male human body.
"This is a great Vista, this spirit did not need a body, so it left it here. This is your new body. I command you, the body of Fred, let Fred's spirit pass into this body." At this statement Fred's spirit was transfered to the human body.
"Fred, how do you feel?" asked Josh. Fred's new body opened his eyes, looked at Josh.
"I'm fine, but what is happening to you!" exclaimed Fred. Josh's body was melting and evaporating.
"I have to die, is the only save...the...universe. As long as I exist...all diseases will become plauges unto all,...and there...would be distroy...the we know it." explained Josh, in his last dieing breath. His life was ended.
The mystical Sir Joshua, appeared. "You both will be rewarded for you trials. You, Fred, are from now on be an Arignot. And Josh Shall join us, the Wurms!"
A light eminated from Sir Joshua, it touched fred, and he felt his body change into it's Arignot form. He looked at Josh's body, it was gone, and he heared Josh's voice in his head saying "Thank you, my friend. I will always remember you, keep on the right path and we shall see each other again."

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