Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Story # 2 : Cam, the Arignot

Cam, The Arignot
by The Power Pointer Brothers
Cam, the Arignot, was the camera man for the legendary Sir Josh. Cam was left amid nothing, only thing besides his camera was a fridge which had one can of Dr. Pepper in it. He drank it and was teleported to a TV station. He met the person who was to be the camera man for his adventure, his camera man's name was Matropolis. Matropolis and Cam talked together about the adventure that Cam had just come back from. Such journeys, and what a fantastic speech he gave in the end. Matropolis told him that he needed to be a man a greatness. The people in Little People, Big World were great in their hearts, but not size. Cam, the Arignot was great in stature, and he was great in himself. But, what was an Arignot? This was the first thing he had to find out. He was to find the origin of the Dr. Pepper bottle in which he drank from, the one that gave him the power of an Arignot. He started his journey leaving to Cambodia.
When he traveled towards the shore he found a small Italian village, where the people where generous and let him stay for dinner, they had linguine with rocky mountain oyster. The food was so good that Cam fell asleep. When he and Matropolis woke up he was a eunuchs. The villagers offered him a small dish that contained a dish that consisted of a strange meat, it was really salty. Cam asked "What happened to Matropolis and me, and what was that dish?"
The people said something in Italian, it just so happened that Matropolis spoke Italian. His translation of what they said was "The dish contains your precious seed, and manhood." Matropolis and Cam felt sick to there stomachs, and threw up out the window. Sir Joshua appeared to them and healed them of there lack of manhood, he also punished the people of the village. He said, "Yes, I am a Wurm. I am only taking form of my old human self. It is hard to talk simply as a man layeth Barney's life down for his friend. For anyone would, and should do that." He clapped his hands together and the village was gone. "Cam and Matropolis, you must go to Tatooine, there you can find the way to become a true Arignot. Being an Arignot, you dont have to breath air, you provide for yourself now. You dont need to eat. You could have healed your manhood if you knew how to. Now, Go."
Sir Josh disappeared. Cam and Matropolis saw a magic boat named Cinderella. They got aboard, the boat came to life and asked, "Where to my passangers?" Cam answered "Tatooine." The boat jolted, and all of a suden they were on Tatooine.
"Wow, that was fast!" exclaimed Matropolis. Cam asked "How did you do that Cinderella?" The boat disapeared right from under their feet, causing them to fall three feet. A little blue flying creature came towards them. When he reached them he said, "You know the techno converters are very important. When you get one of those and add it to your previous A664 GenoTrax, man that is one sweet sterio system. If you dont want that, I can always get you a GT Power Changling MacroPak. Those things have HydroMaxing capabilities, they make you feel weightless. Sure, they are not HoverTrons, but do you really need the 1356 extra QuadrapanPonies? I say not. It feels like the real deal. You can almost hear the Glandometer speaking the LansTurans Kampourter language. You get me? Buy, buy, buy!"
Matropolis was freaked out, "What was that thing? It looked like a small freaky blue fly."

Cam, "It was nothing. He just wanted to sell me some meaningless sterio system."

"Wait, you could understand Fly Language?"

"Oh, he wasnt a fly. Not yet, he isnt as advanced of a species. You need to learn some things."

"What, like how to speak to a 'Fly Wanta Be'?"
"No, he wasn't a fly, or even a wanta be. He was not trying, he is just a similar speices. Any way, I think that we should follow him, he is probably going to the nearest town. I think that we might find a clue to the next place we need to go." They followed the blue flying thing, it lead them to the nearest town. There an old Jedi Knight talked to them, he said "To become what thou seeketh to become thou must bring me Purple Heart Turnips, from the Quatarian Galaxy."
A moment later Spock beamed down. "Hello there," He said. "I am Spock. You can trust me, I am older and have cooler ears. Those Turnips belong to me and my crew."
Cam turnned to Matropolis and said, "This is rediculous. Turn off the camera." All of a sudden there was a faint whisling sound in the distance. They looked up seeing something small and shiny. "Turn it back on, Turn it back on!" The shiny thing curved and flew straight through Spock's and the Jedi's heads, splattering their brain fluids on each other. The two standing bodies for some reason urinated the river Nile. The shiny thing approached Cam and slowed down. It came close to him. He put out his hand. It hovered over his hand, suddenly a voice spoke. "Cam, The Arignot. I have forgotten to give you something. This is the nickel of faith. When you are in hard times, it will work, as it did for me."
"Sir Joshua, or Wurms, uh . . . Master!"
"Hey, thou shalt have no other Gods before the one and true God."
"Sorry. But, how are we supposed to finish our journey? You killed the two that would provide the way."
"Look at the stream. The Nile River which is yellow with floaty things in it. Follow it, you will find your way."
Cam and Matropolis followed the Nile. When the had traveled for three days, they came upon a tent. Two female Homo sapiens, with chest hair, exited the tent and greeted Cam and Matropolis. They said "We are the only way you can become Arignots. You must marry us and give us children, then and only then can you become Arignots."
Cam and Matropolis, where frightened of the women, but sat down in their tent to have a meal. The women offered them a drink, once they had drunk the drink they fell madly in love with the women. They married, and after they both had their first set of twins, Cam had identical boys and Matropolis had identical girls, Cam and Matropolis and there wives were merged together into the Great Arignots. The twin boys took on the names Grief and Misery, the sons of the Great Pain, because their father and mother became the Arignot of Pain. The twin girls took on the names of Joy and Fertile, the daughters of the Great Happiness, for their parnets had become the Arignot of Happiness.

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