Friday, January 29, 2016

The All New Cadillac Sentra

Automotive design is a tough business.  Creating popular design trends and guessing the consumers needs proves difficult to achieve.  When the sixth generation of the Nissan Sentra came out in 2007, I was not sure what Nissan was thinking.  I found the car to be visually unappealing.  A small car should be small and sleek, not bulky and boxy.  This is exactly what Nissan delivered.  However, It wasn't until the latter half of 2011 that I realized what this car resembled.  Nissan, which has been trying to bring an upper class design to the middle class, had copied major design cues from Cadillac.  Every exterior feature matched.  The upper and lower grill position and shape, as well as the headlights.  The boxy, angled lines were a dead giveaway.  To better visualize things, I have provided the picture below.

Please comment below.  What car mashups would you like to see?

Photo Credits: 
Nissan Sentra: 
Cadillac STS: 

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Starting some Photography

I have begun my hand/eye at photography recently.  I am working on finding my niche.  But, you can see some of my work in the following links.

oregon photographs

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Completing the Book of Mormon

I have completed the Book of Mormon, what I believe is the fourth time.  I read it once before my mission, and understood little.  I read it during my mission as a challenge when President Hinckley passed away.  I may have read it another time during my mission, but I would need to look at my old scriptures.  I read it again after my mission as a family challenge/Christmas present.  And today, 1/6/2016, I have completed it again.

I believe the Book of Mormon to be true, and surely a book to bring you closer to God than any other book.  As you are consistent with your reading and study out the words and meanings, it will change your life for the good.  The eyes of your understanding will open, and the truth of the world around you will be better understood.  The ignorance of the world you live in is not held by the understanding of all things, but by the understanding of God.

Read, study, and write what impresses you.  This will enable and further your true progress toward God.