Hello again,
I thought it would be good for my viewers to know what books I plan on working on. Some of them are not going to be made, and have already been discarded.
My first book idea was "The Ultimate Video Game."
The main character, Jake, was a creator of an incredible video game system. More advanced than any others. It has a huge hard drive and a ton of ram. It is almost like a different world that is all digital. Right before the game system is about to come out a man comes to meet Jake. Bartholomew Caswell, aka Chad, drops by to talk to Jake. Chad has been funding Jake's video game company. Chad told him of a theory that he had. "What would you say if we lived in a video game?" His theory was that we live in a computer. And the people in the real world are extreamly advanced. They were so advanced that they needed an ultimate reality show. So, they created a computer with a different world in it. It was so advanced that is was able to support human life. They placed two people in the system, an Adam and Eve type of couple. Thousands of years later Chad comes out with this theory, which turns out to be the truth. They have to decide whether they should stay living in the computer, or find a way out. The story would have ended with Chad , and Jake constantly running. An ending exactly like "Fahrenheit 451" which is the reason why I stopped writing the book.
I am in the process of writing "Brothers of the Stars" which is planned to come out 2010 to 2011. (Update: postponed indefinitely.)
I have three other book ideas. Each of them could become books or could be cast out. But, they are so far in the future that nobody knows. Because they could become books, I will not disclose any information about what the books are about, except for the title.
Idea 1: "Father and Father"
Idea 2: "Life Above the Strip"
Idea 3: "He is a Civilian" or "I am a Civilian"
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Brothers of the Stars
Update: This book has been delayed indefinitely. Enjoy reading it. Be sure to comment your thoughts. Thanks.

Coming in 2010 or 2011, a book "Brothers of the Stars" by The Power Pointer.
An object from a distant planet crashes near young Tom Parkers farm. In the his mother is killed, leaving his father alone and Tom with a lesser memory of mis mother. What he doesn't know is that the object would come again. What will be do when facing the thing that took his mother from him? In this story, Tom learns about testimony, and the importance of respect of things unknown.
Below you can read a poor summary of the book.
Brothers of the Stars
By The Power Pointer
I - Childhood Memories
Start out explaining the layout of the house and yard. Explain the area for the horses. There are three horses. Two theirs, one they are taming. They are confined to their space.
Tom is stargazing with a small (foot long) telescope. Don walks in and asks what he is doing. Tom says that he thinks the stars are moving. Dan says that he doesn’t have a stand. it is because he is moving the telescope, if he holds it really still they wont move. And he assures Tom that the stars don’t move. Dan starts to tell Tom about what they are going to do the next day. They are going to go out on a picnic and ride around on the horses.
While he is telling Tom this the horses start going crazy. He looks outside at the horses. The wild one jumps out and runs around the yard. Tom looks up towards the stars and sees one very bright. Frightened, he grabs his fathers arm. Dan looks up and sees the star getting closer and closer. “Mae!” he calls. “Get to the front.” He grabs Tom and they start running down the stairs. Before they reach the bottom Mae enters the foyer from the front room, by the front door. She gets outside first.
Just as Tom and Dan run outside the object flies overhead hitting the chimney. It creates a vortex; the wind is blowing all around. They are all knocked over. Dan holds Tom at his left side. Mae on his right. Fragments of debris are flying everywhere. The horses in the field in front of them were running wild. The chimney starts to crumble and collapse, pieces falling down the front of the house. Mae starts to get up as a brick from the chimney falls, hitting her in the middle of her back. “Dan,” She gasps. Dan looks over at his wife, trickling down her cheek. “Mae,” he says, reaching out to her hand. Just then another brick falls hitting her head. “Mae!” He cries.
He looks up, tears running down his face, to see the flaming object smash into the ground. The ground shook from the crash. Soon after the grass in the field started to burn. Dan looked around the scene. He could not hear a thing. Time was stopped, mocking him in his grief.
“What was that, Dad?” Tom asked. Dan looked over at Tom. He could not see his mother, he didn’t know. Dan made sure he was in the way, that Tom could not see his mother. “I don’t know Tom. We will have to find out. But, that will be tomorrow, ok son?” “Ok,” Tom answered. Tom started to stand up. Quickly Dan did the same. He put his arms out on Tom’s shoulders. “Tom, you had better get to bed,” Dan said. “But what about that,” Tom asked pointing at the crater. “We will look at it in the morning,” Dan said. He started to direct Tom sideways towards the door, keeping Mae out if sight of Tom. They got to the door. Dan looked deep into Tom’s eyes and said, “Now go upstairs for bed. I . . . we will be back in a minute. Mom and I are going to go get the horse."
Tom knew something was wrong, but he didn’t know what. He hadn’t seen his mom since they ran outside. Where did she go? He left for bed.
Once Tom left for his room, Dan fell to the ground putting his head in his hands. He started to look back at Mae’s body but he couldn’t. He turned around with his eyes closed tight. He fell forward into the dirt crying once more. He reached out towards Mae and cried, “No . . . no . . . why?” He put his head down in the dirt for a moment. He looked up and opened his eyes at her. “Mae,” He whispered. He quickly crawled to his wife grabbing her in his arms.
Tom could hear his father crying, in his room. He couldn’t hear what he was crying about. All he could do was cry himself. A few moments later he heard a horse start running away in the distance.
Dan had his wife laying on his lap as he rode his horse away. He didn’t know where he would go. All he knew was that Tom could not see his mother like this. What was he going to tell him? How could he? After riding for quite a while he stopped in the middle of nowhere by a single lonely road. Dan looked around to see himself all alone with his wife. He looked down at her brused body. He couldt cry anymore. He picked her up in his arms and held her close to him. He swung one leg over the horse and slid off. He walked a distance away from the road near a rock pile. He rested Mae on the ground. He grabbed a rock from the pile and set it in his lap. He looked down at it, then over to his wife. He picked up the rock and smashed it into another in the pile. He did it again. Shortly after, the rock broke into three pieces. He took one of them and observed the sharper edge. There he started to dig a hole. Scraping the rock on the ground he looked over at Mae. His heart started pounding, he scrapped harder. He picked up the rock and hit it on the ground. He threw it aside and dug with his hands. He grabbed dirt and threw it aside. After a while he stopped and looked over at his wife. He dragged himself over towards her. He bent over to hug her one last time. Picking up his head he looked into her eyes and kissed her. “Goodbye Mae,” he sobbed. He shuffled over to the small hole he dug and lied her in it. He positioned her to fit the hole. He looked once again in her eyes. He reached up and closed her eyes. He started to take some dirt to cover her.
Tom was sitting up in his bed crying. What has happened? He rolled over on his side. There was a moment of peace, a moment of resolve. Something had happened, a closure. Tom fell asleep.
Dan climbed on his horse with his head down. He looked briefly over to the new pile of rocks. He closed his eyes and prayed, “Lord, accept this grave as a monument to my beloved Mae. I know she is in your hands now. Take care of her. Goodbye Mae, I love you.”
II - Field of Wonder
Tom is standing in font of his house. It is night time. There is no sound, but a tension in the air. He looks down and sees his parents or asleep. He cant tell, but there is something else to see. He looks up across the street to the field. He sees the wreckage that had occured. He made his way over to look at it. There was a large scratch in the dirt where the object had hit and slid to a stop. There were many pieces of the object which looked like parts of wings and fins. The object was made of some type of metal. It had a hole for a door in in, which was broken open. He made his way to the door. He took a glance inside, he couldnt see anything. He did not want to get any closer. He looked down and picked up what looked like aluminum foil. He looked back at his parents in front of his house, they were waving goodbye to him. Suddenly there was a voice speaking as whisperings and wind. He could tell it was coming from the metal object. It was not understandable, but he felt its meaning. It said, "Thomas, I am here, help me . . . Thomas . . . no!" A strong moist wind blew out of the door. He looked over at the door, a hand reached out.
Thomas is woken by his dad. It is still early morning.
They go over to the front yard. They see the scrape of a crater in the field across the street. The army is there taking over. The neighbor is arguing with an officer. He demands them get off his property and let him get back on. "That thing, landed on my property. So it is my property now." He thought it was some sort of space debris or something. The officer tells him that is was the governments property before it landed on his property and they were retrieving it. And that he could not do anything, unless he wanted to go to jail.
**** To find out the ending of "Brothers of the Stars", wait for it to be published in 2010 or 2011. (See update above)

Coming in 2010 or 2011, a book "Brothers of the Stars" by The Power Pointer.
An object from a distant planet crashes near young Tom Parkers farm. In the his mother is killed, leaving his father alone and Tom with a lesser memory of mis mother. What he doesn't know is that the object would come again. What will be do when facing the thing that took his mother from him? In this story, Tom learns about testimony, and the importance of respect of things unknown.
Below you can read a poor summary of the book.
Brothers of the Stars
By The Power Pointer
I - Childhood Memories
Start out explaining the layout of the house and yard. Explain the area for the horses. There are three horses. Two theirs, one they are taming. They are confined to their space.
Tom is stargazing with a small (foot long) telescope. Don walks in and asks what he is doing. Tom says that he thinks the stars are moving. Dan says that he doesn’t have a stand. it is because he is moving the telescope, if he holds it really still they wont move. And he assures Tom that the stars don’t move. Dan starts to tell Tom about what they are going to do the next day. They are going to go out on a picnic and ride around on the horses.
While he is telling Tom this the horses start going crazy. He looks outside at the horses. The wild one jumps out and runs around the yard. Tom looks up towards the stars and sees one very bright. Frightened, he grabs his fathers arm. Dan looks up and sees the star getting closer and closer. “Mae!” he calls. “Get to the front.” He grabs Tom and they start running down the stairs. Before they reach the bottom Mae enters the foyer from the front room, by the front door. She gets outside first.
Just as Tom and Dan run outside the object flies overhead hitting the chimney. It creates a vortex; the wind is blowing all around. They are all knocked over. Dan holds Tom at his left side. Mae on his right. Fragments of debris are flying everywhere. The horses in the field in front of them were running wild. The chimney starts to crumble and collapse, pieces falling down the front of the house. Mae starts to get up as a brick from the chimney falls, hitting her in the middle of her back. “Dan,” She gasps. Dan looks over at his wife, trickling down her cheek. “Mae,” he says, reaching out to her hand. Just then another brick falls hitting her head. “Mae!” He cries.
He looks up, tears running down his face, to see the flaming object smash into the ground. The ground shook from the crash. Soon after the grass in the field started to burn. Dan looked around the scene. He could not hear a thing. Time was stopped, mocking him in his grief.
“What was that, Dad?” Tom asked. Dan looked over at Tom. He could not see his mother, he didn’t know. Dan made sure he was in the way, that Tom could not see his mother. “I don’t know Tom. We will have to find out. But, that will be tomorrow, ok son?” “Ok,” Tom answered. Tom started to stand up. Quickly Dan did the same. He put his arms out on Tom’s shoulders. “Tom, you had better get to bed,” Dan said. “But what about that,” Tom asked pointing at the crater. “We will look at it in the morning,” Dan said. He started to direct Tom sideways towards the door, keeping Mae out if sight of Tom. They got to the door. Dan looked deep into Tom’s eyes and said, “Now go upstairs for bed. I . . . we will be back in a minute. Mom and I are going to go get the horse."
Tom knew something was wrong, but he didn’t know what. He hadn’t seen his mom since they ran outside. Where did she go? He left for bed.
Once Tom left for his room, Dan fell to the ground putting his head in his hands. He started to look back at Mae’s body but he couldn’t. He turned around with his eyes closed tight. He fell forward into the dirt crying once more. He reached out towards Mae and cried, “No . . . no . . . why?” He put his head down in the dirt for a moment. He looked up and opened his eyes at her. “Mae,” He whispered. He quickly crawled to his wife grabbing her in his arms.
Tom could hear his father crying, in his room. He couldn’t hear what he was crying about. All he could do was cry himself. A few moments later he heard a horse start running away in the distance.
Dan had his wife laying on his lap as he rode his horse away. He didn’t know where he would go. All he knew was that Tom could not see his mother like this. What was he going to tell him? How could he? After riding for quite a while he stopped in the middle of nowhere by a single lonely road. Dan looked around to see himself all alone with his wife. He looked down at her brused body. He couldt cry anymore. He picked her up in his arms and held her close to him. He swung one leg over the horse and slid off. He walked a distance away from the road near a rock pile. He rested Mae on the ground. He grabbed a rock from the pile and set it in his lap. He looked down at it, then over to his wife. He picked up the rock and smashed it into another in the pile. He did it again. Shortly after, the rock broke into three pieces. He took one of them and observed the sharper edge. There he started to dig a hole. Scraping the rock on the ground he looked over at Mae. His heart started pounding, he scrapped harder. He picked up the rock and hit it on the ground. He threw it aside and dug with his hands. He grabbed dirt and threw it aside. After a while he stopped and looked over at his wife. He dragged himself over towards her. He bent over to hug her one last time. Picking up his head he looked into her eyes and kissed her. “Goodbye Mae,” he sobbed. He shuffled over to the small hole he dug and lied her in it. He positioned her to fit the hole. He looked once again in her eyes. He reached up and closed her eyes. He started to take some dirt to cover her.
Tom was sitting up in his bed crying. What has happened? He rolled over on his side. There was a moment of peace, a moment of resolve. Something had happened, a closure. Tom fell asleep.
Dan climbed on his horse with his head down. He looked briefly over to the new pile of rocks. He closed his eyes and prayed, “Lord, accept this grave as a monument to my beloved Mae. I know she is in your hands now. Take care of her. Goodbye Mae, I love you.”
II - Field of Wonder
Tom is standing in font of his house. It is night time. There is no sound, but a tension in the air. He looks down and sees his parents or asleep. He cant tell, but there is something else to see. He looks up across the street to the field. He sees the wreckage that had occured. He made his way over to look at it. There was a large scratch in the dirt where the object had hit and slid to a stop. There were many pieces of the object which looked like parts of wings and fins. The object was made of some type of metal. It had a hole for a door in in, which was broken open. He made his way to the door. He took a glance inside, he couldnt see anything. He did not want to get any closer. He looked down and picked up what looked like aluminum foil. He looked back at his parents in front of his house, they were waving goodbye to him. Suddenly there was a voice speaking as whisperings and wind. He could tell it was coming from the metal object. It was not understandable, but he felt its meaning. It said, "Thomas, I am here, help me . . . Thomas . . . no!" A strong moist wind blew out of the door. He looked over at the door, a hand reached out.
Thomas is woken by his dad. It is still early morning.
They go over to the front yard. They see the scrape of a crater in the field across the street. The army is there taking over. The neighbor is arguing with an officer. He demands them get off his property and let him get back on. "That thing, landed on my property. So it is my property now." He thought it was some sort of space debris or something. The officer tells him that is was the governments property before it landed on his property and they were retrieving it. And that he could not do anything, unless he wanted to go to jail.
He goes over to Tom and Dan and is very unhappy. They talk to him for a bit and he tells them he had a little bit of time to look over the site before the army showed up. He hands dan some sort of Aluminum foil sort of stuff. He then hands it no tom. He makes a fist and pushed the foil around his hand, so he has a metal hand. Then all of a sudden the metal springs back to its previous flat condition and falls to the ground.
The following is a summary / outline of the REST OF THE BOOK
We will start after Tom goes to the other crash site when he is older. The crash site being in his new home town near Roswell. The crash happened in the main street.
The space ship crashes into a car that is next to a man. The man runs and dives for saftey. He had barely been dropped off by the rest of his family. They are all now. He is a soldier for the army.
Tom gets a chance to talk to the survivor of the crash, because he is a teacher at the local collage. He teaches many languages, especially ancient languages.
He gets to know the survivor, Yaromisho, pretty well. The army and police and govornment try to get a hold of him. They try to lock him up. But, Tom is able to convince them that he is human and that there is no legal way they can do that without some evidence of conspiracy. (or something like that)
Later on the public all knows about Yaromisho. They know the story of the army soldier and the of his family. He wants Yaromisho . They all want him . The media, of corse, telling of how he could plan to destroy us all.
Tom finally gets some of the govornment people to understand a little about Yaromisho. And that he is no threat. That he could be a good thing to have. He is a good person. The government does not stay back, but they are more cautious and might even be protecting them a bit.
At some point when Tom and Yaromisho are getting escorted somewhere, they are talking about the future. By this time Yaromisho can speak fair english. They can tell that the people of this day and age are not ready for outsiders like Yaromisho. But, then three shots are fired.The following is a summary / outline of the REST OF THE BOOK
We will start after Tom goes to the other crash site when he is older. The crash site being in his new home town near Roswell. The crash happened in the main street.
The space ship crashes into a car that is next to a man. The man runs and dives for saftey. He had barely been dropped off by the rest of his family. They are all now. He is a soldier for the army.
Tom gets a chance to talk to the survivor of the crash, because he is a teacher at the local collage. He teaches many languages, especially ancient languages.
He gets to know the survivor, Yaromisho, pretty well. The army and police and govornment try to get a hold of him. They try to lock him up. But, Tom is able to convince them that he is human and that there is no legal way they can do that without some evidence of conspiracy. (or something like that)
Later on the public all knows about Yaromisho. They know the story of the army soldier and the of his family. He wants Yaromisho . They all want him . The media, of corse, telling of how he could plan to destroy us all.
Tom finally gets some of the govornment people to understand a little about Yaromisho. And that he is no threat. That he could be a good thing to have. He is a good person. The government does not stay back, but they are more cautious and might even be protecting them a bit.
**** To find out the ending of "Brothers of the Stars", wait for it to be published in 2010 or 2011. (See update above)
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